Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday Motivation - Happiness

Good Monday Morning! I spent a good part of my weekend cleaning out closets, organizing, and de-cluttering. While I still have a long way to go, I'm pleased with the progress that was made. It amazes me how "stuff" just seems to multiply over time... where does it all come from? I'm a firm believer that "less is more," but good grief that's a hard philosophy to follow when you run a business that requires supplies and inventory! My little office is busting at the seams, and I'm so ready for it to become more functional and less cluttered. To get my office in tip-top shape, I'll be having a clearance SALE in my Etsy shop soon! Stay tuned!

As I was cleaning out the clutter this weekend, I realized how "stuff" can easily over-take our lives. It seems that so many people these days want more... more money, more house, more cars, more clothes, more high-tech gadgets, more shoes, more jewelry, more... stuff. It's ironic to me that we want all of these things to define our lives - give us a certain status or fill us up, but then we spend our New Year's and Spring Cleanings getting rid of all the clutter that seems to have overtaken our homes and ultimately our sense of peace. I'm so guilty of wanting unnecessary things - I think we all are. But I want to make a genuine effort to seek happiness outside of possessions. The truest peace and contentment does not come from the things we own - we can't take it with us when we leave this earth. So rather than yearning for more... I'm trying to make the most of what I've already been given. I'm blessed beyond measure, and I want to seek happiness within my soul.

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