Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Motivation - Be Yourself

It's the last week in January - hooray! I love January for the new beginnings and fresh starts, but I'll be honest - I'm never sad to see it go. I love sunshine and warm weather, and January makes Spring seem so far away. So come on, February!

I'm in the midst of rebranding and launching a new website for Beth Hart Designs. I learned from the Stationery Academy that I need to first define who I am and what I value - then build my business to reflect just that. It's easy to compare myself and my design style to other professionals, but I ultimately want to set myself apart from the rest. What makes BHD different from any other paper design company? It's me, Beth Hart. I need to be myself and the rest will fall into place. I know that I'm doing what I love, and I have faith that my Father will help me reach my full potential.

It's not always easy to be yourself or stand out in a crowd... sometimes it's just easier to blend in and be like everyone else. But I think we were all created to let our own unique light shine. We all have a purpose which can't be fulfilled by being like everyone else. So go be YOU, and shine brightly!

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